"CROMICS, CROMICS, CROMICS"! trevor anderson 1980
I like comics again. We have an open relationship-so sometimes i take a break. I usually buy records or books or toys, or entertain myself other ways (muhahahaha). However, I always come back and there will always be alleys i have missed for as long as i live ( plus when i am gone). It's how I learned to read and has always made me happy-even reading Archie one way comics and Yang, hahaha.
This recent resurgence is due to my using (and not abusing for once) my Indianapolis public library card. Right now I am as poor as I have been in years, so my conventionalizing and back issue digging are pretty limited. Warning!!! I am a cantankerous coot when it comes to comics so this is a good way to not feel ripped off. Especially when they change the origins on a 50-60 year old character. Plus I love 70's art the best-sorry-I am an ageist as well! But mainly I like a good story and characters I can give a crap about.
When I go to my local comic show i buy cheapies to read now (and old magazines, and records, and etc.-you get it). The days where i had to have a mint copy are loooong gone. They lasted about as long as Dazzler #1 (or Spawn #1 for you noobs) was worth over a dollar. Anyhoo, comics are for reading--not finance. You end up with 25 longboxes and 2 rooms of stacks--believe me--I KNOW!!! A whole box of #1 issues--all crap--all hype= Big Whoop! Buy them because you like them or they are cheap. Any other reason than a gift is posing!
I make obscure comic references in every aspect of my life (friends/folks/bands/drunken exhibitions). When someone gets "IT"-they share an instant bond or kinship with you. The coolness (nerdiness?) factor also goes sky-high. This also works for music and cinema and what have you--but this is Comics rant, suckas. Never talk to me about comic based movies unless you like volcanoes of hate erupting in your ears.
The next blog will be comics i actually still collect and why i do so. see youse fellas in a minnit.
7 hours ago
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