30's to 80's horror comics (with some minor exceptions in the 90's)
Charlton/D.C./Marvel/Timely/Atlas/AMG/Gold Key/Creepy/Basically any Magazine or Horror Comics:
Sure i know it'll be a twist ending. Sure the cover is almost always cooler than the stories. These knockoff titles gave a lot of the best artists ever a beginning job. I'm sure you have heard of Kirby/Ditko/Colan but you may have not ever seen Alcala/Sutton/Corben/Wrightson if someone didn't give them a 6 pager anthology shot in a horror rag. i've always been a sucker for monsters/demons/witches especially if they are my pals and telling me stories. Cain and Abel, Dr. Death, the whole E.C. gang, D.C.'s 3 witches, that cool green/blue Hippy Ghost in Ghostly Haunts are all lifelong friends. No matter how mature I get I will never outgrow these babies nor would I want to.
Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu!!!!:
What started as a joke has quickly an obsession. And might I add I have never paid more than a dollar for any issue ever. Pure reading monetary value, my friends. This is the 1970's in every way it possibly could be. Slanted racism countered with Eastern religious insights slapped together with KUNG FU!!! Throw in the fact it's super spy and he is the son of Fu Manchu and you almost have an idea of what is going on. Hippy/Ninja/Noir/Violence/James Bond/plus 70's NYC and London and a host of other exotic locales. The art was so weird and cool--Jim Starlin started it up in the first 2 parter and it was insane. After that Gulacy and Moench ran wild and it was all over the place. I won't lie and say all issues were awesome--nobody bats 1000% on any comic that goes past 50, haha. I feel it was ahead of it's time and yet instantly dated. Probably why I like it Because I am that way too.
Marvel 70's Black and White line :
I have full runs of Haunt of Horror/Monsters Unleashed/Tales from the Zombie/Vampire Tales/Dracula Lives. I still buy Savage Sword of Conan/Tomb of Dracula/Marvel Preview/Savage Tales/Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, etc. etc. Something about these strikes the perfect blend of scary and cool. They let Tom Sutton unload in Planet of the Apes. Pablos Marcos and Tom Sutton's respective runs on the Morbius stories in Vampire Tales is grade A awesomeness and off the creative charts. The 'zines were not only comics but also prose with histories of Vampirism/Voodoo/Exorcisms/Kung Fu tips/ and critiques of movies/books/and television series too. Gabriel Devil Hunter was a good Exorcist type character as well--he was mainly in haunt of horror. These are going up in price but they can be had cheap if you dig a little my friends.
more coming soon mein fiends!! thanks for reading.
8 hours ago
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