Picture 1.The beginning of the trail and Pic. 2.the bridge over to Howe high school

Hey...I ride a bike. Haven't owned a car in 12 years. so should you. When you ride your bike you know crackheads live 2 blocks from you. You also know there is a fish fry somewhere around on ruckle st. Anyway as you will hear me proudly exclaim like a grown man "I AM FROM THE EASTSIDE". So my first bike bloggery is gonna be about the Pleasant Run trail that goes from Howe high school (E. Washington street and pleasant run blvd.) to Garfield park/Manual high school (Southern and Madison). Of course we will be coming from the eastside--a' doy dr. duh!
here is a link to a pdf of all the trails in indy and what will be trails in the future...
Now THIS is GOOD! And I'm glad to hear one say, "I'm from the EAST Side" There are more trails than just the "Monon" (it's definitely OK, granted!)!