somedays i wake up from adventure dreams tired and wanting to punch the world.
i knock down the morning wood and put on the i give a shit face...but i don't.
and if you really knew me you'd know i don't--we could probably tear some shit up.
but we haven't met--i'm just a dude on a train or a bus--a jerk in a line.
we've drank and smoked and yelled and laughed. we may have fucked.
doesn't mean shit unless the book is being read or wrote--other than that it's writing on a page.
i remember it--you don't--i am okay with that. i'll introduce myself again.
but i don't care. and if you knew me you'd know i don't care. not today.
not after a haunted school work prison dream with chasing.
remember this when you point and giggle. remember this when you ask me for help.
somedays i punch the world somedays it punches me.
i breathe air i don't want-- chew flesh that is burnt--i can't forgive or stop.
i don't look tired i am tired and the shields are up.....crash and burn.
you go on the bone pile with the other helping hands and the logic i don't need.
i really don't......and if you knew me you'd know i don't.
7 hours ago
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