devil to pay---the first thing i think is damn--if they are all here then the billy goats gruff are totally crossing the bridge. (solo) the soundtrack to troll 3 slowed down to a crawl with more hair than all the armpits of europe .(solo) songs so long and slow you can actually watch them grow beards on stage---heavy loaders in their mom's station wagon. (solo) chris cornell with strep throat because he wore his sandals without sox teamed up with refugees from the noble roman's monster try-outs.( solo)into the void with these neurotic boxers. (solo)
the white stripes---more like the brown streaks, johny depp teams up with meg griffin to play so called "garage rock". shut the door and turn on the car--hurry before they make a new record. the 8th circle of hipster hell inspired a bunch of douches who have never heard nuggets to make "garage rock". about as authentic as tv wrestling and 100000% less entertaining. once again detroit throws it's turds at us like a damn monkey---RON ARTEST HAD IT RIGHT SHITHEADS!!!!
queens of the stone age---started off as a metal hall and oates but with no soul. scaredy cat rockmetal lite for people that don't want to offend--which is the only reason to ever play metal any damn way. after homme kicked out nick out it became the hall only showcase so he could lick dave grohl's butt and steal the rancid guy's old lady. stoner rock for people that don't smoke weed and think faux hawks are rebel flags. like a hot wheel with a bent axle and carpet in the tires==no fun.
bad religion---the ac/dc of punk. have made the same album for over 20 years and all the dummies haven't noticed. thesaurus jams for under their breath mumblers and shocker victims. phd in suck combined with a marketing b.a. i blame them for the whole melodic movement that gives me unmelodic bowel movements. the soundtrack for people named bradworth or huffington to listen to while they wait for their folks to die. mall moguls--monotone men. epicraph.
bloody panda---scion rock for people who don't like music. yoko ono joins candlemass and teams up to blow mark david chapman and black sabbath. oil and water jams that never come together with a hyena screaming over the top of it.i don't get it and what would i get if i did--besides an earache and some free butler scion socks?underwhelming is giving it too much credit really.avoid like avaian flu.
The Gitmos---uncle sam jam except this year no charlie daniels i guess. no good songs either. conspiracy theorists who hate obama because he's prettier than they are.a hoaxacaust of the ears and eyes for tin foil chewers and hollow earthers who think the government has bugs in their fillings. we could pry the guns from their cold dead hands but who wants to pull the peckers out of them first? show of hands??? dopes who hate hope.
Eminem---section 8 mike d. from detroit with a voice so nasallyit's like a mating call for alice cooper. if they made parappa the rappa a reality show this is what it would be like. repeats his name more times than the folks who got stuck on one sentence back in the ward. tennis ball head raps for white suburban kids to pretend they are street to. take away dr. dre and you get detroit with out the factories--burned out bullshit that nobody cares about except shoe stealers and crackheads.
Happy Birthday to Micky Dolenz!
19 hours ago
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