keep the requests coming and i'll keep jawnin' peoples!
pink floyd---the musical equivalent of a snooze would have to shoot up meth//coke//and speed just to make it through the wall and even then it's a waste of drugs.bartender walks up to roger waters and says "why the long face"? so meandering and dull it takes 5 rigs of lights just to make it presentable live. music for people frozen in carbonite without the benefit of hard nipples.
d.r.i.---a singer so monotone he can't even be recorded in true stereo. a one trick pony that runs on quarters at the grocery store. like a garbage disposal with a spoon in it and grover from sesame street on vox. polka jams for epileptics.
the misfits---jersey's mall based industry. midgets on steroids rock for people who think count chocula is scary. legacy of merchandising is more like it. mickey mouses dressed up as ghouls killing instruments and eardrums. anything after the reunion is for twilight fans and buffy the vampire slayer conventioneers. devilcocks.
dead kennedys--possibly the most annoying and self righteous band ever hatched. the singer sounds like a leaky vacuum hose and the music sounds like the beach boys on crank. how so many get politics from this windbag is beyond me. everytime he talks i want to run over him in a hummer eating mcdonald's. music for late night denny's discussions that don't lead to sex---ever.
king crimson---y'know--i'd rather listen to a calculator--what's that you say--a calculator is silent? you got it baby. this band is a mouthful of cold cat food. an algebra equasion at a spelling bee. so pretentious i probably owe them money for writing their name. after they turned into a prog rock talking heads they were even worse. tapeloops and bassstick wankery for guitar magazine subscribers and brainiacs w/ no people skills.
sinead o' connor---the pope might forgive her--but i won't. makes crying an artform and embarasses ireland (which takes a hell of a lot of doing). i could go the easy route and say skinhead o connor but i'd rather talk about the dumbness of her earthmother music. this is music for hippy chicks who throw their cigarette butts in national forests. she's scarier than 5 potato famines. so uninformed it's hurty.
the dead milkmen---ever drive on the highway with a spare donut for a tire? that explains their whole career in a nutshell.wobbly and uneven music with a singer that is so much of a geek chickens run from him. rubber bands tied to fishbones would have more tone than these jokers. i'll give them "punk rock girl" but that's only cause i love punk rock girls. it fooled a lot of people into thinking they were cool---not me.
gwar---makes music so lame and dumb they won't even show their faces to play it. haven't made a good album since 1991 and continue to tour on whack releases even their girlfriends don't own. sounds like a fart that wets your underwear and is just as wanted. if god made anything dumber he called it canada.
Happy Birthday to Micky Dolenz!
19 hours ago
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