i would like to see a smart car's brain after being hit by a rig.
girl was so skinny when i put my dick in her she gained 2 dress sizes.
you lead by example--not by bitching until someone does it so you'll shut the fuck up.
i want to make a door sign that says "if you don't know me--don't knock".
i want to ticket handicapped people for parking in regular spaces.
funerals aren't good foreplay"
"you never have to say "be careful" to your straight edge friends"
"there's never a better time than never"
i had a reason to give a fuck but i already gave it away.
you can tell the emperor he has no clothes but you'll still be a peasant and he'll still be emperor
a moral victory is a lonely place, sometimes.
you can fight fate, you just never know if you've won or lost.
i want a mask of the kid from mask.
i saw someone slobbing on a popsicle and i thought what a waste....i don't stick my dick in frozen hot pockets.
one of the worst things about growing up is when you stop pretending to have fun and start pretending to care.
i was rockin dana dane with fame
when your ass was still learning to write your name.
if god won't even forgive satan (who was his dude),
what makes you think he'll forgive your sorry ass?
don't flip off bikers unless you're packing.
not for all the beers at cheers.
the worst part of being cynical is being right all the time and hating it.
you know when passive aggressive people attack you that you've already won without counter attacking.
i wish i could trick myself into having faith in something.
chivalry is sugar coated sexism.
it's easy to be a lone wolf when you're a black sheep.
some people are catholic, some root for the cubs.
it's a safe way to get your s+m on.
"make no mistake mom and dad, i am a son of a bitch"
chopping off dicks is a pedo-cure.
8 hours ago
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