rush---hockey pucks with their balls in vices. have progressed beyond progression and had to get back to their roots--which i guess were skewering who/zep songs? helium highs team up with robotic drumming and cop punching guitar to steal ayn rand lyrics and make with the boring. music for guys who actually make money from selling weed.
go-go's----like totally, fer shure, gag me with something you bought at top kapi or claires!! vacation rock for people whose brains are stuck in 1982. tried to sneak in as punk rock but were really cutesy pop. everything the've done since has betrayed them--except belinda's tummy tuck. that actually helped her get in playboy!! girl power, huh?jane weidlin should punish her.....on dvd.
bad brains---a band that shoots itself in the foot every time. made a few classics and then let their mouthpiece ruin it all. mumbletymouth rasta punk that is as intelligible as the guy i have to talk about my mortgage with. supposedly awesome live but manage to always come to our town with some bullshitty singer because h.r. can't be cool. they don't even own their own band name.smoke another, brudda!
dead boys---the rocket from the tomb rip off that started a million dead boys rip offs. people say they don't get enough credit but i say not enough blame---everytime i see a guylinered chump spitting on the stage. they put the punk in punk rock for better or worse (worse). the corn in cleveland's brown.they are probably yankees fans.
insane clown posse----possibly the only rappers worse than eminem. serious dookie mixed with 12 year old humor. but even they (and ameobas) are smarter than their fans. honestly, the dumbest subculture to rear it's funny head in many a day. music for backyard wrasslers and meth heads and faygo salesmen only.and dropouts who will probably come back and shoot up the school. and they bury their babies in styrofoam coolers.
master p===uh what uh what ho phenanena.beeper rock for 90's suburban kids to wig out to.the beginning of dumb bling bling cd covers and crunk type rhyming. saying master p is a pioneer is like saying michael jordan was a good baseball player. misleading and ultimately false.dude's name is percy.fucking percy.
gates of slumber---frank frazetta sang molly hatchet songs with st vitus and a guy in prison drew it. music destined to be a pin up in easy rider or iron horse. rhinoceros jams for elephants who think sabbath are speed for wood tables and people who eat grendel's arm.even hagar was not this horrible.
Happy Birthday to Micky Dolenz!
19 hours ago
LAMO @ GOS and Percy hahahhahhahahahaha good ones