oingo boingo--a band as dumb as it's name. take a short bus of band nerds, mix with sexless humor and stir into movie music that is only listenable off your meds. danny elfman is the joker and johnny rotten's buttbaby and sounds like an orangutang having a climax. now you couldn't pry him off tim burton's tip. derply-doo-doo.
crumbsuckers---more like the dumb suckas. every cliché of 80's dudes in one band. hair guy skin guy--we can't all rock together! and these morons proved it. gruff yelling about how water is wet and fire is hot. turned into pro-pain and if that isn't dumb--you're truly living life of dreams.
billy ray cyrus--hard to think of a diss I could insult the man who whelped young miley into the world with. mullet powered one hit line dance blunder. he screams Wal-Mart so loud I almost think he's from china .if some gave all in real life he'd have been a friendly fire victim before his sperm made the swim. yee-----naw.
Michael McDonald---you don't know me but i ain't your brother. the silver fox of yacht rock although he'd make a better anchor. mumbleyjumbley whiteboy soul, i have no idea what he is usually talking about outside of one or two words in a song---sorta like punk rock and just as damn ig'nant.
francis scott key---the first karaoke artist. the Elton john of 1812 recycling "candle in the wind" to whatever war he wasn't fighting. the dickhead who makes me stand just because he wrote a poem and jacked some music--what an asshole. o' say--can you shut up?
black recluse---should go back and hide, because they totally bite. they seem mad because no one understands but I think even they don't. you hardly ever hear singing like this, except at every single show you go to. yeah...zzzzzzzzzz
betty blowtorch---I can see the dumb flame tattoos now....... so powerfully generic it staggers the mind how even sheeple could go for this by the number dookery. makes the donnas seem cool......no, no it doesn't. it's like getting excited about going to mcdonald's
mr. clit and the pink cigarettes----it's like riding all the rides at a carnival that make you puke-- at the same time. the musical equivalent of an updated 3's company and just as wanted. it's bad when a Theremin is comforting to your ears. melted rainbow sherbet being licked out of your armpit.
Atlanta rhythm section---I am so not into this half ass near beer of southern rock. it's like their amps have a snooze setting--they have a record called champagne jam but it's more like that nasty ass grape juice in a wine bottle your mom got you for your NYE slumber party when you were 12. a band of your 70's uncles.
7 hours ago
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