Both of these comics are D.C.//Vertigo comics. The stories in these comics Are 3-8 issue long storylines. Hence the easy adaption into trade paperbacks. Super easy to get Hellblazer/Swamp Thing/Preacher at your local library. Haven't seen the Sandman recently. They probably get stolen a lot because they rule so much.
THE SANDMAN (ran 75 issues and 2 specials but there are 8 billion trade paperbacks)
A comic series with integrity, intelligence, and imagination beyond imagination. Possibly the only series I have a total run of that went past 50. I was late to the party on this one and had my mind blown. This is really sophisticated reading for D.C and ushered in a whole series of awesome titles (although in fairness Swamp Thing was a bit ahead). I re-read them all every 5-10 years and uncover new insights, and new art I had overlooked. The Art--The Art--A revolving door of awesomeness. ( Dringenberg/Kieth/Dringenberg/Jones/Jill (hubba hubba) Thompson/ Plus waaay more)
Even if you don't like a particular artist on other titles--you can see each one 100% enhances and lays out the story for you. The Dave McKean covers are original, amazing, and visually dark, moody, and crazy. Honestly this is kinda the be all end all of fantasy reading for me. Amazing, Original, Epic, All encompassing Storytelling at it's finest. Neil Gaiman is one of the few people to stick with a vision and follow it through. Cheers all around!
The darkest and most twisted and consistent comic of all time hands down, and it's still going. Constantine is a rogue, self centered alcoholic magician.Not a pulla rabbit outta the hat type--but the fighting elemental demons/gambling your soul type. This series is uber-British and is filled with religion/mysticism/punks/drunks don't give a fuck/morality/ritual/personal relationships/demons and ghosts out the wazoo. sound warped? WELL IT IS WARPED! You find yourself rooting for a dude that bluffs or powerowns his way through heaven and hell and every gnarly layer between. Every sorta illing taboo is shown to you--not for shock but to make you really feel the story. the badguys have to be to super nasty to make you root for Constantine and you do--big time. Scary, Touching, And Gut Wrenchingly Evil!
I haven't forgot Swamp Thing or Preacher homeys--just writing book reviews so I'll holler about that in.....THE FUTURE!
8 hours ago
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