i have moved--went on 3 little tours with 3 bands and been home steading like a mug! i have been writing for some other fine folks and blogs//zines//and comics you should check out if you like music//art//and d.i.y. from real people. . i also take a wad of pics but putting them on here kinda sucks. now to the blogs what'd have me! making naptown proud! now make some music or do some art or write a review yourself!!
first off ms. kelsey simpson writer and "producer" of the positive artichoke. a d.i.y. zine about the naptown scene and general funnery and madness--try one they are free! also she is a fine sister/band mate and homey 4 lyfe!
and the mighty mr. brian roe and his rsquared studios. an amazing artist//writer//reviewer and most importantly a dude! besides letting me review stuff he is batting 1000%! a true renaissance man in our 15 minute world.
Happy Birthday to Micky Dolenz!
19 hours ago